Spring Retreat
Friday, April 19 @7pm - Saturday, April 20 @4pm
Register Here:
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
950 N St Vrain Avenue
Estes Park, CO 80517
All young adult Lutherans 18+ are invited to ULC's Spring Retreat in Estes Park! Attendance will be capped at 30 people, so sign up quickly to save your spot. Registration deadline is April 14 and costs $25.
Housing is provided in the form of sleeping on the floor of Mt. Calvary. Participants should bring sleeping gear, or if they prefer a hotel they must make their own arrangements.
Activities will include fellowship activities, divine worship, and speaker sessions with Pastor Jarvis on training future leaders for our churches and grounding them in the Lutheran Confessions.
A note to students:
While you are in school you are given opportunity to be trained for many things. While you are involved in your campus’ ministry, you are given further opportunity to be trained as leaders in the Church, to be ready to take a position on the church council of your next congregation. Even if you don’t take a position, it’s good that you know the confessional clause your new congregation has in their constitution. It turns out that every LCMS congregation has this clause where it says in effect, every decision regarding doctrine and practice will be according to the Lutheran Confessions, the Church’s faithful voice through the ages. Let’s examine their role in a congregation, and in your own life as a Christian.
Friday, April 19:
7-9:00 Arrival and games
8:30 Evening Prayer Service
9:15 Sardines / Night games
10:30 Compline Service
Saturday, April 20:
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Matins Service
10:00 Speaker session
11:00 Break
11:15 Speaker session
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Speaker session
2:30 Break
2:45 Speaker session
4:00 Group Activity / Shopping / Dinner ad lib
8:00 Optional Compline Service (for those staying Saturday into Sunday)
Optional: Some participants are planning to stay through church at Mt. Calvary on Sunday, April 23. Participants may choose to leave at the official end of the retreat at 4pm on Saturday or may stay through Sunday afternoon for additional fellowship in Estes Park. Participants may sleep at Mt. Calvary on Saturday night but will be responsible for their own food.